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June 14, 2016

Gradle Goodness: Running All Tests From One Package

If we have a Gradle task of type Test we can use a filter on the command line when we invoke the task. We define a filter using the --tests option. If for example we want to run all tests from a single package we must define the package name as value for the --tests option. It is good to define the filter between quotes, so it is interpreted as is, without any shell interference.

If we configure the test task to output the test class name we can see that which tests are executed. In the following snippet we reconfigure the test task:

test {
    beforeTest { descriptor ->
       logger.lifecycle("Running test: $descriptor.className")

Suppose we have a project and we execute all tests:

$ gradle test
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.model.CourseSpec
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.model.TeacherSpec
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.service.CourseServiceSpec

To only run the tests in the mrhaki.gradle.model package we use the following command:

$ gradle test --tests "mrhaki.gradle.model.*"
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.model.CourseSpec
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.model.TeacherSpec

We can even filter on a single test to be executed:

$ gradle test --tests "mrhaki.gradle.model.CourseSpec"
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.model.CourseSpec

If we only want to run a single method of a test we can specify the method name as a filter:

$ gradle test --tests "mrhaki.gradle.model.CourseSpec.create new Course as immutable"
Running test: mrhaki.gradle.model.CourseSpec

Written with Gradle 2.13.