In Grails we can use the list-plugins
command to get a list of all available plugins. The list returns only the plugins that are available for the Grails version we are using. So if we invoke this command in Grails 3 we get a different list than a Grails 2.x version. To get more detailed information, like website, source code URL and dependency definition we use the plugin-info
Let's run the plugin-list
command for Grails 3:
grails> list-plugins | Available Plugins * airbrake-grails * ajax-tags * asset-pipeline * audit-logging * aws-sdk * cache * cache-ehcache * cache-headers * cassandra * clojure * csv * database-migration * export * facebook-sdk * feature-switch * feeds * fields * geb * gorm-envers * grails-console * grails-hibernate-filter * grails-http-builder-helper * grails-json-apis * grails-redis * grails-spring-websocket * greenmail * grooscript * gscripting * hibernate * jasypt-encryption * jms * joda-time * json-annotations-marshaller * mail * mongodb * newrelic * oauth * quartz * quartz-monitor * rateable * recaptcha * rendering * request-tracelog * scaffolding * segment * sentry * simple-spring-security * spring-security-acl * spring-security-appinfo * spring-security-core * taggable * views-gradle * views-json * views-markup * wkhtmltopdf |
If we want more information about the spring-security-core
plugin we invoke the following command:
grails> plugin-inf spring-security-core | Plugin Info: spring-security-core | Latest Version: 3.0.0.M1 | All Versions: 3.0.0.M1 | Title: Spring Security Core Plugin Spring Security Core plugin * License: APACHE * Documentation: * Issue Tracker: * Source: * Definition: dependencies { compile "org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:3.0.0.M1" } |
If we would invoke the command in for example Grails 2.5.1 we get different results:
grails> list-plugins Plugins available in the grailsCentral repository are listed below: ------------------------------------------------------------- DjangoTemplates Plugin<> -- None <> -- acegi <> -- Acegi Plugin active-link <1.0> -- Active Link Tag Plugin activemq <0.5> -- Grails ActiveMQ Plugin activiti <5.12.1> -- Grails Activiti Plugin - Enabled Activiti BPM Suite support for Grails activiti-shiro <0.1.1> -- This plugin integrates Shiro Security to Activiti. activiti-spring-security<0.5.0> -- Activiti Spring Security Integration acts-as-taggable <> -- address <0.2> -- Grails Address Plugin address-lookup-zpfour<0.1.2> -- Address Lookup via ZP4 admin-interface <0.7.1> -- Grails Admin Interface adminlte-ui <0.1.0> -- AdminLTE UI Plugin airbrake <0.9.4> -- Airbrake Plugin ajax-proxy <0.1.1> -- Ajax Proxy Plugin ajax-uploader <1.1> -- Ajax Uploader Plugin ajaxanywhere <1.0> -- AjaxAnywhere Grails Plugin ajaxdependancyselection<0.45-SNAPSHOT4> -- Ajax Dependancy Selection Plugin ajaxflow <0.2.4> -- This plugin enables Ajaxified Webflows akismet <0.2> -- Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin akka <> -- Akka Integration alfresco <0.4> -- Alfresco DMS Integration ... Plug-ins you currently have installed are listed below: ------------------------------------------------------------- asset-pipeline 2.2.3 -- Asset Pipeline Plugin cache 1.1.8 -- Cache Plugin database-migration 1.4.0 -- Grails Database Migration Plugin hibernate4 4.3.10 -- Hibernate 4 for Grails jquery 1.11.1 -- jQuery for Grails scaffolding 2.1.2 -- Grails Scaffolding Plugin tomcat -- Apache Tomcat plugin for Grails webxml 1.4.1 -- WebXmlConfig To find more info about plugin type 'grails plugin-info [NAME]' To install type 'grails install-plugin [NAME] [VERSION]' For further info visit grails> plugin-info spring-security-core -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information about Grails plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: spring-security-core | Latest release: 2.0-RC5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring Security Core Plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Burt Beckwith -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's e-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find more info here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring Security Core plugin Dependency Definition -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :spring-security-core:2.0-RC5 To get info about specific release of plugin 'grails plugin-info [NAME] [VERSION]' To get list of all plugins type 'grails list-plugins' For further info visit |
In Grails versions before Grails 3 we also have the command list-plugin-updates
. This command will display if there are any version updates for the plugins installed in our application:
grails> list-plugin-updates Plugins with available updates are listed below: ------------------------------------------------------------- <plugin> <current> <available> tomcat 8.0.22 hibernate4 4.3.10 database-migration 1.4.0 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT cache 1.1.8 1.1.9-SNAPSHOT asset-pipeline 2.2.3 2.5.1 |
Written with Grails 3.0.7.