Working with files in Groovy is very easy. We have a lot of useful methods available in the File
class. For example we can run a Closure for each file that can be found in a directory with the eachFile()
method. Since Groovy 1.7.1 we can define if we only want to process the directories, files or both. To do this we must pass a FileType
constant to the method. See the following example code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | import // First create sample dirs and files. ( 1 .. 3 ). each { new File( "dir$it" ).mkdir() } ( 1 .. 3 ). each { def file = new File( "file$it" ) file << "Sample content for ${file.absolutePath}" } def currentDir = new File( '.' ) def dirs = [] currentDir. eachFile FileType.DIRECTORIES, { dirs << } assert 'dir1,dir2,dir3' == dirs. join ( ',' ) def files = [] currentDir. eachFile (FileType.FILES) { files << } assert 'file1,file2,file3' == files. join ( ',' ) def found = [] currentDir.eachFileMatch(FileType.ANY, ~/.* 2 /) { found << } assert 'dir2,file2' == found. join ( ',' ) |